Thanksgiving Side Dishes – Potato Gratin, Roasted Squash with Sorghum Butter and Glazed Brussel Sprouts

Happy Sunday! I am not sure I have ever posted on a Sunday before, but with Thanksgiving just several days away, I thought I better get on with a few turkey day recipes. We are officially empty nesters for Thanksgiving. That is why you haven’t seen a whole lotta hullabaloo and turkey fixins’ from me this year.
Several of our children are out of town for the holiday and one will be spending Thanksgiving with their new family (by marriage). It’s just me and Mr. B, so we are not even sure what we are doing yet! Just call us free spirits. 😉 I did, however, want to share some recipes with you for several simple side dishes that are perfect for a smaller gathering at Thanksgiving or an evening meal at home any day of the week.
They are traditional side dishes, but these versions are lighter and healthier and we can all use a few less calories and fat around the holidays! Gotta save those for the desserts!

The flavor comes from the Yukon gold potatoes and 2 cheeses in this dish. No heavy cream here!
The first recipe is for a Potato Gratin. This dish is very flavorful and uses whole milk rather than than the traditional heavy cream. I have made it a few times and actually enjoy it with most of the Gruyère added in with the potato and milk mixture as opposed to using the cheese only a topping, as the original recipe called for. I thought it was more flavorful this way. If you stay with the traditional method and do not add the cheese in with the potatoes, you will need to add a bit more salt than suggested.

I prefer adding some of the cheese to the milk and pottao mixture. It added a really nice flavor.
Roasting squash is another favorite of ours. I would normally use Acorn Squash for this dish, however, I discovered Delicata Squash last season and am now a huge fan. They are very sweet when roasted and I like that they are small enough for an individual serving. They don’t need much done to them since the roasting brings out their sweetness. I rub just a bit of olive oil, salt and pepper and some fresh thyme on the squash and then finish it with this Sorghum Compound Butter at the end. You can use a little butter and brown sugar or maple syrup, if you prefer.

Roasted squash is easy to make and is a great side dish for any meal
I’m an empty nester of sorts too; empty partially because my youngest daughter works at Nordstrom’s in the Visual department. which means she and her crew work for 2 months doing behind the scenes prep and then spend Thanksgiving day transforming the store to Christmas decor seemingly overnight.
I’m tired of waiting for her to come over, grumpy and exhausted, so this year I’m supposedly dining with friends. What I’m really doing is making a turkey dinner to deliver to the store for her and her immediate crew of 7. It’s sort of Thanksgiving and Christmas combined because only her supervisor knows. Your potato dish would be perfect; so my seeing this today is prophetic!
Thanks for including my cocktail. That they won’t be getting. 🙂
LOL to the cocktail! You can save those for us! 😉
I love the surprise you have in store for your daughter and her co-workers. That is awesome and in the real spirit of the holidays. I am sure she will be very surprised!
Have a great Thanksgiving, Barb.
Yum. I’ve been looking for a new Thanksgiving side and this is perfect!
WOW! That’s ALL looks SO delicious! What’s for dessert? Haha!
Everything looks just delicious, Gwen! I haven’t tried the Delicata Squash before, but I’m surely going to be looking for them now. Thanks so much for mentioning my good ole southern cornbread dressing. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!
You are welcome! I hope your Thanksgiving was a great one!
Lovely display Gwen! We too are empty nesters but have a few family members to feed. I’m gonna try your brussels. Hubby and I love them. As for the guests, no brussels for those picky eaters. Their loss 🙂
Have a Blessed and fabulous Thanksgiving my friend!
Now this looks like the kind of side dishes I’d love to eat this Thursday. Brussel Sprouts are one of my favorites! Thank you for sharing with me…I hope you have a wonderful week full of feasting and family.
Yummm…this looks fantastic! I just made Sweet Potato & Curry mash myself. Go side dishes!