On the Road in Charleston, South Carolina

Charleston, Savannah and New Orleans…what a time we have had recently traveling to some of the prettiest cities in the South.  Each city has something special about it whether it’s the history, culture, architecture, food or ghosts (or all of those!) that makes it truly unique.

Charleston is one of my favorite cities.  It has been for many years.  I first traveled to Charleston for business when I was in my 20’s (many years ago!) and fell in love with the city then.  I have returned many times since that first trip and still find it as charming and entrancing as the first time.

Confederate Museum at Market Hall (United Daughters of the Confederacy)

A mansion in The Battery

Grafted Cherry Tree with three different colors in one tree.

I will have another very special post about Charleston on Wednesday.

Until then, enjoy your week!






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