Thank you for my first award!
I was very excited yesterday to receive this Sunshine Award from Denise at Quickies on the Dinner Table. Denise is fun and fresh and has a great sense of humor. Her dishes are quick and easy and look delicious! I have enjoyed getting to “meet” her through our blogs. Besides that, how can you miss with a name like Quickies on the Dinner Table? 😉 No wonder she got the Sunshine Award!
Now that I am a recipient of this award, the deal is that I have to pass it on to 12 other delightful bloggers that have caught my eye. I am going to give this to some newer bloggers, so that they can get some recognition. I know how hard it is to create a niche for yourself when you start blogging, so here’s to them! (I am a “newbie”, so I can speak from experience!).
1. I met Cecille of A Dose of Frosting at the Stir It 28 event in Atlanta. I was impressed by her generosity. She must have donated hundreds of cupcakes to the event! They were so good we even took a few home! 😉 She has a real passion for food and for blogging.
2. You’ve gotta love someone who cooks for the their pooches, especially when they are baking up a batch of Cheesy Chicken Rounds (I know my dog would love them!). With that said, I also would like to pass the award on to the Pet Foodie at Doggie Dessert Chef.
3. To the girls (Judy and Phyllis) at Baker Babes Bakery. They started baking when they were kids and haven’t stopped since then! They turned their love of baking into a business. So, you know where to get your goodies if you are in Cleveland, Ohio!
4. I love Julia’s Fat Girl Trapped in a Skinny Body blog. The pictures are beautiful and she mixes some healthy dishes in with decadent delights. Besides, don’t we all feel like the name of her blog most days???
5. Laurel at Orange and Salt is fun, creative and has already hosted a cooking class (I am impressed!). Her pictures are beautiful and hey, she had me at her Orangettes (candied orange peels dipped in dark chocolate…oh, my goodness!).
6. I have to give one award to someone in my hometown of Philly. So, the next one goes to Lisa of Cocktails and Small Bites. I love that she concentrates on tapas, appetizers and small plates. Some evenings, that is all many of us want for dinner!
7. Scott of Fight The Fat Foodie has an awesome blog with all your favorite recipes slimmed down in fat and calories. He proves that you do not have to give up on flavor when you give up some of the less healthy ingredients. Keep those great dishes coming!
8. Devaki of Weave a Thousand Flavors has a beautiful blog with delightful dishes and really detailed pictures and instructions on how to create them at home. I love that she makes foods from all over the world. Some days you want French food and other days you want Asian! She is my kind of gal!
9. I sooo wish I lived where Pam of Sticks Forks Fingers lives! Pam writes about her awesome life in the countryside in Eugene, Oregon where she can purchase everything fresh and local (even the wine she drinks!). Her pictures are lovely too.
10. Just for Licks is a fun new blog. Every recipe starts with a rhyme. Now, personally, I would run out of things to rhyme with, but you go Sue! I think it’s great! Blueberry Brie Risotto…who woulda thunk it??
11. Chef Dennis of More Than A Mount Full deserves an award just for getting up in the morning! This guy feeds 560 girls at a high school in Pennsylvania. The best part is that he has also started a culinary program at the school and is teaching the girls how to cook. Now we are talking…bringing back Home Ec to our schools! You go Chef Dennis! 🙂
Okay, so I named 11 bloggers. I like odd numbers! Just kidding!
12. Mae from Peas Love Carrots has such a fun blog. I especially liked her LAMBington cakes! You can always count on something wonderful and unusual when you visit her blog. I know she has just been through a difficult time, so here’s to sending some sunshine your way!
Now, to the award winners, you too need to pass this on to your favorite bloggers! Here are the Rules:
1. Put the logo on your blog or within your post.
2. Pass the award on to 12 bloggers!
3. Link the nominees within your post.
4. Let the nominees know they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
5. Share the love and link to the person from whom you received this award.
There are so many incredible people out there blogging and I could name so many more of them. I hope you all continue to do what you do best which is cook, write, take your pictures and blog about it. We all enjoy reading your posts and getting to know you better!
I am honored and so very pleased to receive the Sunshine Award! Thanks a bunch. I really appreciate it. Keep up the great work on your blog. I really like the recipes and the photos. Good stuff!
I am glad that you are a happy recipient of the Sunshine Award (that’s what sunshine is all about, isn’t it?)! I enjoy your blog. Who doesn’t love appetizers and cocktails plus some other goodies?!
Thank you for the comment and you are very welcome! 🙂
Thank you so much, Gwen. You are so sweet to send sunshine my way – it’s always good to read your posts and comments, too. It made my morning! 🙂
Hi Mae,
Glad to hear that this little award put a bright spot in your day! I always smile when I see some of your creations, so back at you! 🙂
Wow! Thank you so much for the sunshine. It is truly a pleasure to have connected with you and I look forward to sharing many more posts with you.
I love nice people!! 🙂
You are welcome! The pleasure is mine. Keep those rhymes coming…they make me smile!
Dear Gwen – You have brought sunshine to my day with your lovely award & kind words.
Of course I accept with pleasure but pweeeze beg a little patience from you before I can pass on the torch 🙂
My platter is overflowing with Irish delights this week!
Devaki @ weavethousandflavors
I am glad to have brightened your day! Enjoy those Irish delights and don’t fret. 12 folks will get their awards soon enough! 🙂
Dear Gwen – The torch is passed! I managed to squeeze it in between hot chocolate and zzzzz…. time last nite 😉
Thanks again,
Devaki @ weavethousandflavors
You work fast! Wow! You are welcome and deserving! Hope you got much needed rest!
That’s me, being recognized by someone else. I am so so so flattered!!!!!! Thank you so much Gwen.
You are very welcome! 🙂
Congrats on your award! Looking forward to basking in your prestige at Camp Blogaway. : )
I am not sure how much prestige comes with this one, but it was flattering to receive it!