If you follow Bunkycooks, you know that I have been nursing a bruised, broken very sprained ankle since the first of June. I had an MRI on my ankle last week and it doesn’t look good. I have injured my Subtalar joint and may need surgery. I didn’t know I even had a joint by that name! I am depressed. I need comfort. I need a drink!
We have company coming for the weekend tomorrow, so I guess I should do some major cooking while I can (if I can stand in the kitchen that long). I have a bad feeling that I will be booted for a long time in the very near future (and I don’t mean my car). I have canceled my big adventure to Blog Her Food 2010. Bummer, dude. However, I have found miserable people like me and have joined the Blog Her Food 2010 Pity Party (#BHF10PP for you Twitter folks!). I love you, man!! But, before I go, the drink…
So, in search of medicinal relief of my screwed up ankle in honor of Fridays, cocktails, food and fun…here is a really pretty cocktail to serve when you are trying to forget about all of your ailments impress your guests! I will be serving them this weekend. Wild Hibiscus Flowers Champagne Cocktail! I love throwing something spooky unusual in drinks! It makes for lots of interesting conversation. I think you should make everyone eat these flowers out of their cocktails!
This is a fun alcoholic beverage that you can make with Champagne, Proseco or Cava, depending on how sweet you like your drinks. Add a few teaspoons of the syrup from the Wild Hibiscus Flowers to the Proseco, or your chosen pain killer, and you will have a very pretty libation to lift you out of your depressed state when you are totally depressed to serve to guests!
Cocktail parties are always lots of fun with fancy drinks, so I hope you pop the top on a bottle of bubbly and plop one of these pretty little Hibiscus Flowers in the bottom of the glass! Have a few for me!
Have a great weekend!
Adapted from the Wild Hibiscus recipes
Wild Hibiscus Flowers in Syrup
Champagne, Proseco or Cava (anything that has bubbles!)
Place a Wild Hibiscus Flower in each glass (preferably a Champagne glass) for serving. Top with bubbly (I prefer a dry Proseco). Add a teaspoon or two of Wild Hibiscus Flower syrup to taste (or for color). * I added about two teaspoons of syrup per glass.
Serve immediately.
Bottoms up! Flower and all!