The Last Update for Ten in 2010

This is my weekly update for Ten in 2010. This is a challenge with other food bloggers to get healthy in the first ten weeks of the New Year.

This is the last time that I will be writing about Ten in 2010 because ten weeks have come and gone. I have to say that I have not had a very successful time with this. It is not a good thing when you are on a “diet” and the little number on the scale goes in the wrong direction some weeks!

I know the cold and miserable weather and all my cooking and baking have not helped in this effort to eat better and exercise more. I also seem to have some excuse almost nightly for drinking wine and eating foods that are not particularly healthy.

I have promised myself to make changes and I want to be able to do that for myself as well as for my hubby’s health. We both need to alter our eating habits and get moving. I do think that by having to write about it every week I have at least been more aware of what I was doing. I just haven’t made all the changes necessary.

I am hoping that Springtime is in our future. I also am counting on the arrival of Daylight Savings Time tomorrow to inspire me to lighten up our meals as the evenings are lighter longer and we start to move more of the cooking outdoors.

I hope that anyone that has been on this ten week rocky road with me has had more success than I have. To everyone else that struggles with weight issues and exercise – good luck to you as you go forward.

I do know that getting the cute jeans to fit is always important, but wearing a bathing suit is a whole other issue! That thought is soooo scary, maybe that is all I need to turn it all around! 😉

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